Sunday, February 26, 2012

CRK // Ode To My Coffee Cup.

So. Hi.

Miles Davis So What

O D E    T O    M Y    C O F F E E    C U P
Caroline Roseberry

Your liquid is dark as the night,
And fills me with instant delight.

Some people milk you, and coat you with sugar,
Children will claim that you taste like a booger.

A latte, espresso, a cappu, or black,
Coffee's my savior, I keep comin' back.

No mere glass of water will wake me at dawn,
But a cup of fresh coffee will stifle my yawn.

A black river flows down my throat,
Leaves my breath stinking; much worse than a goat.

But to this I admit, I don't care,
When the scent of your roast tickles the air...

Coffee deserves to be cherished and loved,
It should be savoured, not down your throat shoved.

To truly appreciate coffee you must,
Love your cup, and give it your trust.

For what can save me in my darkest hour?
A cup of Joe, some black power.

A cup of instant delight,
With liquid dark as the night.

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry.


  1. Så fin collage! Er det dine egne billeder?

  2. Tak skal du have :-) Det er (desværre) ikke mine egne billeder, nej. Størstedelen af dem er fundet på tumblr.

