Friday, June 29, 2012

Så Går Det Ros'!

So. Hi.

I leave for Roskilde Festival tomorrow. Tomorrow!

Eeeeek! You have no idea how much stress and joy and giddiness and laughter and packing-anxiety that sentence brings me.

Just thinking about it makes me go slightly mad. I can practically taste the "urinstøv" (urine dust) already! 

Arriving in jeans jackets and rubber boots and John Lennon sunglasses, lugging around huge backpacks stuffed with canned tuna and corn, a crappy phone your only means of communication with the outside world. Walking around the camping areas, scoping out the little shops and food-stands in West, and the already drunken and muddy inhabitants of camp L and M. Sleeping in a tent you're not quite sure will keep out all the water that's pouring from the skies, bundling up in your sleeping bag with all your clothes on at night, just to keep warm, and waking up to a sweltering hot tent at 6am, only to throw yourself out in the grass with your mattress and sleeping bag. Being constantly dirty, grimy even, with long, snarly hair and smudged cheap sunglasses, and lounging about in the sun all afternoon. Sooping around in a mixture of mud and grass, as you tredge towards the festival site, eagerly running to stand in the Pit, so close that you can practically lick the lead singer's face. Listening to The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Mew, Janelle Monáe or Bruce Springsteen, or whoever you're going to see. And everywhere you go, soaking up the feeling of sun, mud, the smell of weed, music, rain, people drinking, a wildfire of tents all around you, skate boarders, hippies and punkers, beer and bongs, people tanning, or running with plastic bags over their heads to shelter them from the rain. Soaking up the Orange Feeling; the feeling of Roskilde Festival.

Aaaahhh. Just one day to go. One day.

Not even the ludicrous weather we're having at the moment, nor the prospect of wading around in a mixture of rain, mud, beer and pee can stop me. I'm going! Yay!

You guys take care. Until then,

I ' M    G O I N G    T O
R O S K I L D E !


Bringing a couple of single use cameras, so will be sure to snap some photos during my week. Can't wait to be there. And to be back, and tell you all about it.

Have a good Roskilde Festival, folks! Så går det Ros'!

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Life On The Bright Side.

So. Hi.

O N   T H E   D A R K   S I D E
Me when I'm illogically PMS'ing and bitchy.

  • Wake up. Hangover.
  • Eat some breakfast. Waffle down coffee. Run out door. Snap at anyone that tries to hurry me.
  • Busride home. Almost fall asleep.
  • Comes home:
    "Hi honey, did you have fun?"
    "LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY?????!!!!!"
  • Lock myself in my room. Turn on computer. Letters dance on my screen. Still hungover, I guess.
  • "This assignment is so........ HARD....... I just can't like...... UNDERSTAND..... What my teacher wants me to DO....... I just........ I hate this stupid text" (cries)
  • "Maybe I should have some food...."
  • Sits and grumbles for half an hour while contemplating revenge on refrigerator.
  • Plays the piano. Slams the keys really hard with a manic, rabid expression every time I hit the wrong note.
  • Beats up pillow.
  • "I want a nap..."

Major onslaught of PMS washing over me at the moment. Can't you tell? Don't lie, bitch, of course you can.

Must reinforce positive attitude, and well-lit smile! Can't run around like a grenade all day, ready to explode as soon as someone removes the right stick.

SO. Bright thoughts..... Positive thoughts...... Laughter..... Smiles.......

O N   T H E   B R I G H T   S I D E
Me when I'm trying to be placid and positive.

  • It actually is summer; and very close to vacation too!
  • Yesterday, the sun shone brilliantly, and it actually felt hot. And even now, the weather is clearing up. I can see genuine sun on the wall of my neighbors house.
  • I only have one test left before I can finally relax!!!!!!!!!
  • The test doesn't mean anything, or count for anything real, so actually I could just go in and say some random shit that isn't even connected to my paper, and I'd be fine.
  • I actually haven't worked all day (what a surprised), seeing as I was often caught up by memes of animals with funny captions all over the internet, which caused some majorly loner-status giggling attacks. Me laughing at pictures of cats = Not an entirely good sign.
  • Chocolate can always be found.
  • It's our big Summer Concert on Sunday! With a repertoire I actually like; beautiful light summer songs, floaty Eastern music by Holst, and a lovely Danish spring and summer piece by Niels W. Gade. Which probably is irrelevant to you, but it sounds nice.
  • My hangover is slowly receding. And, just for good measure, I'll be drinking it away in a couple hours at a friend's birthday. So. Weeeeee.
  • I'm going to Rozzkill in about a week!!!!
  • I have a new T-shirt that says "I AM AWESOME" on it. Hah.
  • I'm making some food now. Joy.

And now I feel better. I think I'll have some chocolate and booze too. Aah.

When you're drunk at a party, and your best friend says she's fat:

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry.