Thursday, February 23, 2012

Give A H(e)art.

So. Hi.


It seems that the entire world is in love. All my girlfriends, all their boyfriends, all the couples swarming the streets, even the animals, for Christ's sake. I guess that the coyness of spring has started to creep up on us. Everywhere I go, I see them. With hearts in their eyes, and stars in their lovey-dovey smiles. There is hand-holding galore, saliva being exchanged, whispered giggles being shared in the school yard, stolen glances sent, birds chirping and flowers sprouting out of the ground on which couples tread.

Everyone's in love. Except wonderful, cute, slightly dorky homosexual women; who are absolutely adorable. Especially when they get drunk on Valentine's Day, stay at home, and cook yummie chocolate delicious-eries (while drunk). Like Hannah Hart from My Drunk Kitchen.

I guess that this should make me sad. The world is a lovesong, which I'm not tuned into. I have more in common with single lesbians, who stay home alone and get drunk on Valentine's Day. And I'm single in the coyness of spring. 

But weirdly enough, it doesn't make me the slightest bit depressed. It just makes me smile. And laugh. And that's the way it's supposed to be. Hannah Hart is delightful, the couples around me are slightly gooey, but pleasant enough to be around, and the weather seems to be turning for the bettter. Today was warm and spring-like, and I actually felt the sun on my face.

So you kids just keep being lovey dovey. And give a heart (or a Hart) to someone you like. Never fear. Spring is coming.

"Pre-heating the oven is like waiting for love. You are pre-heating the oven of your heart, as you wait for love to... get baked... with... you...!"
Hannah Hart

G I V E    A    H (E) A R T

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry.


  1. Haha, har du taget nogle billeder fra Passion for Fashion? Og fra Trine? :) Du har en dejlig blog elsker og læse med selv om jeg ikke kender dig men vi har samme omgangskreds! :)

  2. Ja helt sikkert, jeg har ikke selv taget billederne, men har bare fundet noget inspiration og lidt rare billeder rundt omkring :-) Hvor er det dejligt at høre, at du kan lide den!

