Wednesday, May 11, 2011

CRK // Just Chilling... With A Motherfucking Tarantula In My Room!

So. Hi.

Today's high: An hour of freedom in a stressful day, spent in my favorite city, Copenhagen.
Today's low: Motherfucking tarantula hiding in my room.

  1. Continued planning our 9th grade show with my class, which we'll perform to celebrate us leaving the wretched place, in which we have spent the larger part of the last 10 years. (I can only divulge, that I'll be playing my In-Favor-Of-Student-Slavery English teacher).
  2. Between piano lesson and choir rehearsal today, I managed to pamper myself with a cappuccino, and a walk in the almost-sun on Østerbro.
  3. Delayed returning home from choir by spending an hour with my friend Sara, where we gossipped like the girls we are, and had coffee (again, bad habit...).
  4. Found gigantic tarantula-ish beast in my room. Spider currently out of sight, as my dad knocked it to the ground, when he failed in the attempt killing it. Am glued to my desk by fear, and can't resist pulling my feet up from beneath me.
  5. Predict a lot of tossing and turning tonight, fantasizing about long, hairy legs. And I don't mean the human kind.
  1. 1am: Most probably still awake due to the invasion of the gigantic spider.
  2. School (bleah!).
  3. V.
  4. Dinner with Pernille, then following Mads Langer concert in the evening.
  5. Slaying of the spider!

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry

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