Monday, January 31, 2011

The Frozen Harbor

So. Hi.

Just wanted to share some photos with you.
I walked down to the harbor yesterday. The beautiful, deep-blue water was covered in a splintering new layer of ice. It's fractured several places, and not yet sturdy to walk on. But beautiful, nonetheless. I looked over the edge of the wall dividing the ocean from the parlor, and I saw it: a beautiful, ice-covered landscape. Naturally, I had to seek it out. I jumped over the railing, and from my spot near the ocean, I saw ice-covered rocks, sea-weed and a few kayakers. In some of the photos, you'll see a surprisingly close-up angle on the sea and the boats. Here, I am standing on one of the docks, where you tie your boat to the side. It's actually "off-limits" to normal teenagers, but I felt truly like a daredevil, and made my way on onto the narrow, icy strip of wood. It was exhilerating, and beautiful. And I got some great pictures!





All the pictures were taken by me, with my beloved Nikon D5000.
Thanks for listening,
I Am Roseberry

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keep It Light

So. Hi.

This Sunday afternoon, I'm just relaxing before the big shazzah! I'm starting my big 9th-grade-project this week, and our presentation is due Friday.... or is it Monday? Who cares. We'll be so incredibly busy. Our subject is torture (yikes) so I'm betting it'll be a grim week. Sigh. Well, I'll get through it.

While faced with a whole day with nothing scheduled, and then a week stuffed with activities involving writing about gruesome torture methods, I find light and positive music very attractive. I also like to look at movie trailers and short films on a day like this, for some reason. Here are some favorites for Sunday afternoons.

Now personally, I'm a fan of great music, and great humor. That's basically what I look for in everything. And if it looks pretty, I don't mind either. Hope you enjoyed some of the videoes as much as I did.

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fashion Awareness with Lachowski and Deyn

So. Hi.

If you're searching for your very own look -- like me -- then I really recommend just looking around for something similar on the internet. I can obviously recommend blogging as a way to become aware of fashion. When I started, I had no idea what to write about, so I just wrote about myself. Know, I think it's fun trying to find cute outfits, art, music, and just awesome stuff in general, to share with anyone who's looking. I know it's hard to find just what you want sometimes. But the internet is a fabulous thing. You must never forget, that there's always a bigger fish: and therefore, there's always someone, who knows more than you. By looking out for these people, you might gain some inspiration along the way.

Fashion isn't all about being rich, buying clothes, having the new thing. It's also about bringing personality to your style, expressing yourself via style, and holding on for dear life, to who you really are. I think, that once you lose yourself, in fashion or anywhere else, you just blend in to the background. Why not show your true colors? In my experience, there's always someone who'll think you're beautiful. And you most probably are!

So, I guess this is kind of a piece of advice for anyone who wants it. Search for inspiration in the people you admire -- but stay true to yourself.

This is why I admire these two models. In the fashion world, as well as in "the real world", it's hard to stay true to yourself. But I still think that these two manage pretty well. Agyness Deyn had her prime-time a while back, but I don't feel quite finished with her yet. Now Fransisco Lachowski's in the picture, and I kind of like what I'm seeing.

D E Y N    A N D   L A C H O W S K I 

I love to see stylish people on the street, and everywhere I go. I wish that everyone could be stylish and amazing and look however they wanted to look. I know I'm certainly working on finding my own style. But that's the great thing about style: it's so individual, that basically anything can be beautiful.

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry