Thursday, December 13, 2012

Laws of The Holiday Season

So. Hi.

Christmas is one of my favorite seasons. Yes, I characterize it as a season. For though winter in itself is wonderful, with all its snowflakes and its ice-skating and its cuddling by the fireplace, the winter season gets something special from the Christmas spirit. It's a sort of Christmassy law: winter is not just winter in December. It's Christmas.

A snowflake at Christmas is not merely a snowflake; it's the first little crystals of joy confirming your dreams of a white Christmas, it's jingle bells ringing in a snow-filled landscape that exists only in your mind, it's skating on a frozen lake, it's snowball fights and hot cocoa by the fireplace and watching the snow fall glittering to the ground. Food eaten at Christmas is not merely food; each cookie is a celebration of the proud Christmas eating-tradition, each mouthful of stuffing, duck, goose, honey-glazed ham, "flæskesteg", collared greens, "rødkål", sweet potatoe and "ris à la mande" a tribute to your Christmas-tastebuds. A movie watched at Christmas is not merely a movie; it's spending time with your loved ones, it's Christmas cheer, it's love and joy coming to you and your Christmas stew through a screen. 

Christmas is just one long season of justifying things you don't normally get to do. The Christmas law creates excuses for many of life's trying times. Getting out of bed when your comforter is oh so warm, trying to eat healthy while eying Christmas cookie upon Christmas cookie, wanting nothing but to snuggle up in front of the fire, watching the snow fall all afternoon.... 

This is exactly why I like to cuddle up each Christmas with my favorite Christmas movie of all time: "The Holiday". I feel like there's practically a law saying that I can't watch "The Holiday" until the actual holiday season starts. A law called Jude.

It has Jude Law. It has snow. It has Jack Black singing. It has love. And it has Christmas. It just doesn't get any better.

Cheers, people! You'll find me rolled comfortably up in my comforter like a mummy, chained to the TV. It's...

" T H E    H O L I D A Y "    S E A S O N

C H R I S T M A S S Y    C H A R A C T E R S

Iris Simpkins : Kate Winslet

Arthur Abbott: Eli Wallach

Miles : Jack Black

Amanda Woods : Cameron Diaz

Graham : Jude Law

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry.