So. Hi.
Roskilde was fab. But to be super unattainable and offhandedly cool, I'll have to leave you hanging with that. This is just a quick update before I'm off to France!
Going to Paris tomorrow! So, the next few weeks, you'll find me at Accord Paris, a language school in the arrondissement near La Tour Eiffel; that is, if I'm not out prowling the streets like a tourist with my Nikon camera, eating maccaroons from Laduree (probably drooling all over myself from sheer exaltation), walking by Dior and Chanel with my eyes glued to the windows of the stores, or sipping cappucino at a streetside café while admiring the rear ends of cute French waiters. Haha. Nah, most probably I'll just be speaking a load of French; or, that is, stubbornly insisting upon impairing others with my abysmal knowledge of French, simultaneously hoping to catch some of the actual language in return.
Hoping to come back with a vocabulary that involves more than "oui, mais non, merci!", "baguette" and "moustache". Also hoping to catch on to a bit of the famous french pout practiced by many a Parisian fille. But although it looks quite elegant on the gloved hands of a Parisian lady, I'm not planning on taking up smoking with a cigarette holder just yet. Will make do with wearing a striped Chanel-style shirt, and shouting "BAGUETTE!" at the top of my lungs to random strangers as they pass by me on the street.
Kidding. Tres tres drôle, je sais. But I must say, I hope some of the Parisian Chic rubs off on me. Not to mention the French language.
Ah. One can only dream. See you in deux semaines!
À bientôt!

So. I guess I'll see you when I see you. Have a good one, folks!
Thanks for listening,
I Am Roseberry.