Friday, February 11, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

So. Hi.

Today, I asked my best friend, Male, to be my Valentine. Now, Valentine's Day isn't big in Denmark at all, and in a way, I think that that's kind of sad. I know that many people think that Valentine's Day is stupid -- I probably should too, with my ultra-feminist mother and my shy little father. Not to mention the fact that I've never had a proper Valentine's Day. But still, I think that this silly little holiday is kind of sweet.

That's why I asked Male to be my Valentine. I thought it could be fun to celebrate nothing at all really with my best friend. So, we had a very romantic dinner over delicious brownies, including candlelight and stimulating conversation. Afterwards, we snuggled up and watched "Misfits", a series that she is trying to get me hooked on. All in all, a very nice Valentine's Day to exercise my unpractised dating skills.

Since I won't be home for Valentine's Day, the 14th of February, I'm posting my Valentines greetings.
So HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from me to all the romantics and silly girls (like me) out there!

Male and me on our Valentine's Date. The last picture is courtesy of Male -- it's originally her picture, but this is one of the only pretty pictures of me that exist! Haha.

V A L E N T I N E ' S    P I C T U R E S

Cupid. Or well... me.






Happy Valentine's Day. I know that are a lot of single gals out there, and I know that if Valentine's Day is a big deal for you, it can be tough to get through. Therefore, I've made some guidelines for the perfect Valentine's Day with your girlfriends.

G E N E R A L    R U L E S

No boys allowed (unless they're extremely girl-friendly, as in near-gay or completely queen)

Eat tons of cake or cookies. Bake them yourself, if you have time!

Watch girly movies about sticky, gooey love.

Make a romantic, candlelight dinner for yourselves, ladies. It sounds dumb, but I did it today, and it's really cosy.

A B S O L U T E    B E S T    M O V I E S    F O R   V A L E N T I N E ' S

  • The Holiday
  • Love Actually
  • He's Just Not That Into You
  • Remember Me
  • 27 Dresses
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Chocolat
  • Bridget Jones' Diary (1 and 2)
  • Titanic
  • Going the Distance
  • Love and Other Drugs
  • If Only

Okay, now I think that I've officially Valentine'd you out. My work here is done. I hope that you all have a wonderful week -- I'm off for France. It's the winter vacation, and I'm going skiing. Yay! We leave at 6am tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed... right after I cram the rest of my luggage into my overflowing suitcase.

Valentine's greetings,

I Am Roseberry


  1. Uuuh lækre billeder. Hvert og et :) Jeg har også mega meget lyst til at se satc, men den virker ikke lige pt :(
    Nå, men god weekend! :)

  2. Tusind tak :) Sex and the City mangler også hos mig lige pt, da jeg er i Frankrig, og de åbenbart kun har horton om Gerard Depardieu og "Grey's Vide Verden" -- selvfølgelig alt sammen på fransk.
    God weekend, ferie, ugh, liv!
    - Carrie
