Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Get Hairy

So. Hi.

Considering the frequency of my posts, I've been absent from le blog for about a decade. The reason for this is my school project about TORTURE (grisly, I know), which is finally finished! Now, with my presentation on monday looming over me, I can finally relax!

My latest mind-numbing activity, is looking at different hair-styles. Personally, I have long, curly brown hair. I have had this for a while, and I have made a vow, to make it grow down to my butt. I'm nearly there! I haven't quite decided what to do with my hair, after I reach my goal. Maybe I should let it grow down to my ankles........ or chop it all off. I was thinking that I would have long hair for a couple of years, and then I'd get a grunge-style short haircut. Would that be good?

Well, first I have to let it grow a bit. I like my hair as it is right now. Actually, my hair is one of my favorite things about myself.

Well, enough about my hair. I've also been looking at the hair of other people, trying to find a hair-style that I like. At the moment, I think that Blake Lively's hair is gorgeous, but I'm also quite a fan of the short mop, like the one belonging to Natalie Portman or Keira Knightly. For when your long hair needs to get the fuck off your face, try the elegant braid of Nicole Richie. Ah, well. Have a look, yourselves.

L O N G    W A V ES

T H E    S H O R T    C U T

B R A I D S    A N D    H A I R - D O ' S

I hope that you liked some of the hair-styles here.

Thanks for listening,

I Am Roseberry


  1. i like your hair, it's so glossy and long! mine is like blake's naturally, maybe a little messier :) xx

  2. Oh, thanks so much! :) I love Blake's hair, so lucky you!
    - Carrie

  3. Sikke nogle fine ideer! :-) Jeg havde selv "langt" hår, og så fik jeg det klippet, dog ikke så langt some jeg oprindelig ville have haft det.
    Fin blog forresten :-)


  4. Tuuuuuusind tak :) Jeg vil selv gerne eksperimentere med kort hår en dag.... Men det kan bare gå så galt, og jeg elsker mit lange hår. Så mon ikke det må vente lidt?
    - Carrie
