Thursday, December 30, 2010

In The USA

So. Hi.

Everything's great, obviously (apart from the fact that I am writing from my Grandma's surprisingly new computer, which has an American keyboard, so I'm messing up my writing a lot) since we're still in the middle of the Christmas holidays. This is just a quick update, since I'm sadly lacking my own computer, and thereby all my pictures and so on.

I'm currently in Phoenix, AZ, and it's about 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside -- it has been much warmer the other days. I arrived here December 22nd, as planned, with surprisingly little delay! I was envisioning massive hords of people lying on the floor of Heathrow Airport when I got there, but no, everything was fine, and our plane took off after about 2 hours of waiting. Which is good, judging by the fact that a lot of other people had to wait 2 days to leave. So.... thanks!!!!!!

My Christmas vacation is great so far -- it's been over 70 degress Fahrenheit most of the time, so I've been sun-bathing, swimming at the luxurious hotel The Biltmore, and eating all kinds of yummie Christmas stuff at the same time. The combination of bikini's and eggnog never seemed obvious to me -- neither did Christmas lights and shorts and ice coffee. But still, Christmas is here, mingled with some weird kind of supposed-to-be-summer weather.

V A C A T I O N    H I G H L I G H T S :
  • shopping (duh), since the prices are loooooow, due to sales and, well, crappy economy. But I like it! I had $275 to spend over here (OMG) and it's not often that I'm this rich, so.... I went kind of crazy. My buys include, but are not limited to, a great army-jacket from Abercrombie, and a cashmere/wool sweater from Ralph Lauren. Ooooooh.
  • opening Christmas presents and finding an unusually fruitful load of presents. In my pile I can include a pair of Armani jeans, a lucious soft white bathrobe, the Abercrombie perfume (No 8) and $100 :)
  • brunch at The Phoenician, an extremely fancy and large hotel in Phoenix. The brunch was.... well, there are no words. Mountains and mountains of fruit, piles of french toast and waffles with berries and banana compot, trays of Applewood bacon, a chef that prepared custom-made omelets to suit your every fancy, a frigging sushi-stand including a frigging Japanese sushi-cook, and, last but not least, an entire table with desserts. And when I say table, I mean 5 meter long counter stuffed with every imaginable treat. Drool.
When I get back to dreary grey Denmark, I'll have fun uploading pictures for you guys to see.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

I Am Roseberry

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